
L'OSSERVATORE ROMANO Edizione quotidiana 20 Agosto 2006

L'OSSERVATORE ROMANO Edizione quotidiana 20 Agosto 2006: "Appello del Papa per il rilascio
di un sacerdote rapito in Iraq

Un accorato appello per la liberazione di un sacerdote cattolico di rito caldeo sequestrato, marted� 15, a Baghdad, � stato lanciato da Benedetto XVI in un telegramma - a firma del Cardinale Angelo Sodano, Segretario di Stato - inviato a S.B. Emmanuel III Delly, Patriarca di Babilonia dei Caldei. Ecco il testo del telegramma:

Deeply saddened by news of the abduction of Father Saad Syrop Hanna, the Holy Father wishes me to assure Your Beatitude and all the pastors and faithful of the beloved Chaldean Church of his spiritual closeness and prayerful solidarity. His Holiness makes a heartfelt appeal to the abductors to release the young priest at once, so that he can return to the service of God, the Christian community and his countrymen. The Holy Father's thoughts also go to all the victims of abduction in your Country and he prays that this dreadful scourge, as well as the 'terrible daily bloodshed which delays the dawn of reconciliation and rebuilding' (Angelus of 15 August 2006) will finally come to an end. His Holiness encourages the members of the Catholic community to continue to work together with all religious believers and people of good will towards a future of harmonious and respectful coexistence for the beloved Nation of Iraq.

Secretary of State"

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